[H-verkko] CFP: Private and Public Memories, Helsinki, 29–30 November 2012

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Mon Helmi 20 11:32:36 EET 2012

Agricolan Artikkelipyyntötietokantaan
( http://agricola.utu.fi/nyt/pyynnot/ )
on tullut seuraava ilmoitus:

Private and Public Memories, Helsinki, 29–30 November 2012

Call for papers

Private and Public Memories

Helsinki, 29–30 November 2012

Papers are invited for contributions to the fourth international
symposium of the Finnish Oral History Network Private and Public
Memories hosted by the Finnish Literature Society in collaboration
with the Academy of Finland project Strangers from the East
(2009-2012). Our intention is to stimulate discussion and bring
together scholars from various fields interested in private and
public memories. The invited speakers include Paula Hamilton
(Australian Centre for Public History, University of Technology
Sydney), Daniela Koleva (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski),
Kirsti Salmi-Niklander (University of Helsinki) and Vieda Skultans
(University of Bristol).

Memory is a way for people to give meaning to and transform their
past. Memory is shared, transmitted and expressed in various and
complicated ways and continuously reworked in relation to changing
political and emotional needs. In addition to “private” we have
chosen to use the term “public” in relation to “memories” to signal
our understanding of the essentially social nature of remembering.
Personal memory is not merely private and internal, but always draws
on knowledge and information from the surrounding society. Public can
be used with reference to the “memory of publics”, in other words, the
ways memory affects and is affected by various publics. Another way to
view it, is the “publicness of memory”, which examines the processes
through which private memories become public. Politics of memory are
always at stake in this process. “Public memories” are shaped by
complex power struggles. Who gets to say what about a given
community? What kinds of practices are used to authorize some
versions of a story and to silence other ones?

The program will include keynote lectures, paper sessions and a
closing panel. The working conference language will be English. Some
special sessions will be organized, entitled “Oral-literary
traditions in immigrant communities”, “Oral history from above” and
“Life-cycles and memory”.  Proposals may be submitted for individual
papers or workshop sessions. Individual proposals may be addressed to
specific sessions or in general.

All proposals should include a title and a maximum 250 word abstract
(per paper). The proposals must be written in English. Proposals for
whole sessions should include all abstracts of the suggested papers.
Please include with the proposal the following information:
- name (with your surname in CAPITAL letters)
- affiliation
- postal address
- e-mail address
- telephone and fax numbers

Proposals will be evaluated according to their focus on the topic.
Please e-mail your proposal as an e-mail attachment by 25 May 2012 to
fohn at finlit.fi. The acceptance or rejection of proposals will be
announced by 15 June 2012.

The admission to the symposium is 50€ (standard) / 35€ (Concession:
students /unwaged).  Registration by 30 August 2012.

Enquiries: fohn at finlit.fi

Ulla-Maija Peltonen
Chair, FOHN
Finnish Literature Society
P.O. Box 259
FIN-00171 Helsinki

Ulla Savolainen
Course Secretary, FOHN
Folklore Studies/
Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies
P.O. Box 4
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki

Ilmoituksen lähetti: Agricola <agricola at utu.fi>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 26.05.2012
Lisätietoja WWW-osoitteesta: http://