[H-verkko] Arvosteltavaksi: Scandinavia in the Age of Revolution. Nordic Political Cultures, 1740–1820
Tapio Onnela
tapio.onnela at utu.fi
Pe Syys 2 13:45:59 EEST 2011
Agricola - Suomen historiaverkko tarjoaa kirjoja arvosteltavaksi
Agricolan kirja-arvostelujulkaisuun (ISSN 1796-704X)
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Scandinavia in the Age of Revolution Nordic Political Cultures, 1740–
1820 Scandinavia in the Age of Revolution
Edited by Pasi Ihalainen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, Michael
Bregnsbo, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, Karin Sennefelt,
Uppsala University, Sweden and Patrik Winton, Uppsala University, Sweden
The 'Age of Revolution' is a term seldom used in Scandinavian
historiography, despite the fact that Scandinavia was far from
untouched by the late eighteenth-century revolutions in Europe and
America. Scandinavia did experience its outbursts of radical thought,
its assassinations and radical reforms, but these occurred within
reasonably stable political structures, practices and ways of
thinking. As recent research on the political cultures of the Nordic
countries clearly demonstrates, the Danish, Finnish, Icelandic,
Norwegian and Swedish experiences of the late-eighteenth and early-
nineteenth centuries offer a more differentiated look at what
constitutes 'revolutionary' change in this period compared with other
regions in Europe. They provide an alternative story of an incipient
transition towards modernity, a 'Nordic model' in which radical change
takes place within an apparent continuity of the established order.
The long-term products of the processes of change that began in the
Age of Revolution were some of the most progressive and stable
political systems in the modern world.
At the same time, the Scandinavian countries provide a number of
instances which are directly relevant to comparisons particularly
within the northwest European cultural area. Presenting the latest
research on political culture in Scandinavia, this volume with twenty-
seven contributions focuses on four key aspects: the crisis of
monarchy; the transformation in political debate; the emerging
influence of commercial interest in politics; and the shifting
boundaries of political participation. Each section is preceded by an
introduction that draws out the main themes of the chapters and how
they contribute to the broader themes of the volume and to overall
European history. Generously illustrated throughout, this book will
introduce non-Scandinavian readers to developments in the Nordic
countries during the late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries
and both complement and challenge research into the political cultures
of Europe and America.
Contents: Preface, Thomas Munck; General introduction, Pasi Ihalainen
and Karen Sennefelt; Section I The Crisis and Renewal of Monarchy: The
crisis and renewal of monarchy: introduction, Michael Bregnsbo; The
monarchy in the Swedish age of liberty (1719–1772), Jonas Nordin; The
image of kingship in Sweden 1772–1809, Henrika Tandefelt; Struensee
and the political culture of absolutism, Michael Bregnsbo; The great,
the pages and the end of 18th century Danish court culture, Ulrik
Langen; Postal censorship and the control of public sentiment in late
absolutist Denmark, Sune Christian Pedersen. Section II The
Transformation of Political Debate: The transformation of political
debate: introduction, Pasi Ihalainen; Gradual reconsiderations of
Lutheran conceptions of politics, Michael Bregnsbo and Pasi Ihalainen;
Aristocratic notions of liberty and patriotism in the age of liberty,
Charlotta Wolff; Freedom of the press and social equality in Sweden,
1766–1772, Marie-Christine Skuncke; The politics of publishing:
freedom of the press in Denmark, 1770–1773, Henrik Horstbøll; The
transformation of Danish monarchism in the age of enlightenment, Jeppe
Nevers; Continuity and change in the language of politics at the
Swedish Diet, 1769–1810, Pasi Ihalainen and Anders Sundin; Marriage,
family and gender in Swedish political language, 1750–1820, Karin
Hassan Jansson. Section III Commercial Interests and Politics in
Scandinavia, 1730–1815: Commercial interests and politics in
Scandinavia, 1730–1815; introduction, Patrik Winton; The politics of
commerce in Sweden, 1730–1770, Patrik Winton; The Swedish Diet as a
forum for gathering commercial and political information, Petri
Karonen; Political practices among merchants in Denmark and Norway in
the period of absolutism, Bård Frydenlund; Iceland under British
protection during the Napoleonic wars, Anna Agnarsdóttir. Section IV
The Shifting Boundaries of Political Participation: The shifting
boundaries of political participation: introduction, Karin Sennefelt;
Popular resistance in peasant communities in Norway, c. 1700–1850,
Knut Dørum; Danish peasants making politics in the 18th century,
Birgit Løgstrup; Communicative power and the absolutist state: Denmark-
Norway, c. 1750–1800, Mona Renate Ringvej; Masculinity, sociability
and citizenship in Stockholm in the age of liberty, Karin Sennefelt;
Gender and politics before and after the Norwegian Constitution of
1814, Hilde Sandvik; Bibliography; Index.
· About the Editor: Pasi Ihalainen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland,
Michael Bregnsbo, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, Karin
Sennefelt, Uppsala University, Sweden and Patrik Winton, Uppsala
University, Sweden.
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Agricola - Suomen historiaverkko tarjoaa kirjoja arvosteltavaksi
Agricolan kirja-arvostelujulkaisuun (ISSN 1796-704X)