[H-verkko] CFP: Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, Annual Conference

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Mon Marras 10 13:57:16 EEST 2011

Agricolan Artikkelipyyntötietokantaan
( http://agricola.utu.fi/nyt/pyynnot/ )
on tullut seuraava ilmoitus:

Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, Annual Conference

The Scandinavian Program at Brigham Young University welcomes the
Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study to Salt Lake City
for its 102nd annual meeting to be held May 3-5, 2012 in the Salt
Lake City Marriott Downtown.
Anyone wishing to present a paper at this year’s conference is
invited to submit a proposal to sass.conference.2012 at gmail.com by
December 15, 2011.

Proposals should include the following:
• participant’s name,
• a'liation (if applicable)
• a title and 200-word abstract,
• 4-5 keywords (the keywords are most helpful to
organizers if they are not based on categories such as
period or nationality),
• whether the participant would like for his or her proposal to be
considered in the general pool of papers or for one of the four
conference thematic streams (see below for
• A/V requests for the presentation.
Proposals for pre-constituted panels will also be considered, but
abstracts for each presentation should be included in the panel
proposal. Please note: all presenters at the SASS Conference, US
domestic and foreign, must be members
in good standing at the time of the conference. For membership
please contact the SASS o'ces at sass at byu.edu.
Graduate students are welcome to submit proposals and should ask for
an academic advisor to write a brief letter of support for their
project. !e name
of their chosen advisor should be indicated in their proposal. !e
letter of support
should be sent separately to conference organizers and comment on the
readiness of the student and project for presentation. Since graduate
students papers are eligible for the Aurora Borealis Prize,
presenters should be prepared to submit a copy of their papers as
read at the meeting. Conference sta# at the
registration table will collect such papers.
!ematic Streams

In addition to the standard panel format used at previous SASS
the 2012 conference will also include special in-conference seminars
“streams” that link multiple sessions focusing on a special topic.
participants are encouraged to consider submitting a proposal for a
or panel within one of the streams listed below as a way of fostering
discussion. If participants do not wish to participate in a stream,
they can choose to have their proposals considered in the general
pool and organized
into thematic sessions as in years past. Speci$c questions about the
streams should be directed to the stream organizers. !e format for
streams will be the standard 20-minute conference presentation unless
noted. All proposals for the conference (both to the general pool and
individual streams) should be sent to sass.conference.2012 at gmail.com
by 15
December 2011. !is year the conference is featuring the following
! Stream 1: “Values, Belief, and Community”
Organizers: Jason Lavery (jason.lavery at okstate.edu) and Dean
Krouk (deankrouk at gmail.com)
!is panel invites proposals for twenty-minute presentations
from scholars working in any discipline or geographical context
related to Scandinavian Studies interested in questions of belief,
organized religion, and/or secularism in literature, art, $lm, and
historical sources. Presentations may focus, for instance, on
questions and topics such as:
• the role of religion and/or secularism in the public
• the religious and/or secular roots of the welfare state;
• belief and value systems in Scandinavian history;
• belief systems in transition (i.e. paganism to Christianity,
Christianity to secularism, etc.)
• how worldview con%icts have been discussed,
represented, or imagined in Nordic contexts, both
$ctional and non-$ctional;
• how recent work by scholars such as Charles Taylor (A
Secular Age) or Talal Asad (Formations of the Secular)
invite a re-contextualization of Nordic secularism;
• how the Danish cartoon controversy has become a
%ashpoint for thinking about con%icts between secular
and religious outlooks in a global context;
• how a reawakened interested in the question of
secularism and belief shed light on speci$c texts and
artifacts from the Nordic countries new and old.
SASS News & Notes Volume 38 Number 2 [September 2011]
page 4
It is our hope that the proposals will be diverse in their
methodology and
approach but all engage in some way with current theoretical
re%ections and
activate comparative dialogues.
! Stream 2: Performance Studies and Nordic Cultures
Organizer: Wade Hollingshaus (wadeh at byu.edu)
Performance Studies is concerned with the exploration of artistic
theater, opera, dance, musical concerts, performance art, etc.—but
also looks more broadly at the seemingly inexhaustible number of
that occur throughout everyday life, including the performance of
life itself. It examines organized events such as political
campaigns, rallies,
and protests; religious and civic rites and ceremonies; sporting
events; cultural
celebrations; family reunions; exhibitions; museums; amusement parks;
premieres; and others. Moreover, Performance Studies looks at the
more subtle
but equally e'cacious performances of identity that constantly
surround us:
gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, etc., In short,
Performance Studies
is an interdisciplinary $eld that interrogates how the ephemeral
of performance works to construct us and the world around us.
!is seminar will operate as a workshop in an e#ort to consider the
Performance Studies can contribute to Scandinavian Studies.
Participants accepted
to the stream will be expected to review some readings and
in some pre-conference discussions on-line. During the conference,
the participants
will be invited to deliver a ten-minute position paper, in which
will each introduce their project, their methodology, and their
$ndings up to
that point. After hearing the position papers, the remaining time
will be used
as an extended discussion and workshop involving all present.
! Stream 3: Dimensions of Diversity in Norden
Organizers: Jenny Björklund, Uppsala University
(jenny.bjorklund at gender.uu.se) and Ursula Lindqvist, Harvard
University (lindqvis at fas.harvard.edu)
While the Nordic populations historically have been more diverse than
recognize, this diversity has acquired visibility and some new
dimensions since
the 1960s. !ere is general consensus that Nordic countries have
become more
ethnically and culturally heterogeneous, particularly as a
consequence of generous
immigration policies and the gay rights movement; however, there is
consensus about the e#ects or value of these changes. On the one
hand, mangfoldighed
/ mangfold / mångfald has become a key concept in public policy
in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, respectively; Finland has begun to
consider the place of new minorities (as well as some very old ones,
such as the
Roma and the Sámi) in a political structure that had codi$ed the
rights of its
Swedish minority at the nation’s founding; and Iceland elected the
world’s $rst
SASS News & Notes Volume 39 Number 2 [September 2011]
page 5
openly gay head of state in 2009. On the other hand, politicians
hostile to immigrants,
ethnic minorities, and LGBT people have been voted into parliament
in several Nordic countries, and in July 2011 the entire region was
shaken by a terror attack in Norway by a right-wing extremist who
wanted to
“save Europe” from multiculturalism. !ese events have been condemned
many people across political, ethnic, and national divides in the
Nordic countries
and spawned many public debates.
For this stream, we invite proposals from scholars of various
orientations that examine the multifaceted concept of diversity in
the Nordic
countries and the ways in which this concept is negotiated and
mediated in
public discourse: political, commercial, artistic, cultural, virtual,
etc. In what ways does diversity $gure—and how do certain ideologies
in such discourse? What new popular and intellectual dimensions
social media, regionalism, intersexuality) are challenging our prior
of diversity and changing how it operates in Norden today?
! Stream 4: Strindberg and Radicalism–Strindberg and the Avant-garde
Organizers: Eszter Szalczer, szalczer at albany.edu, and Anna
Westerstahl Stenport, aws at illinois.edu
!is stream will investigate Strindberg as an author, artist, and
thinker, whose
work embodies radical boundary-crossings and the innovative and
stance of the avant-garde. We invite contributions that examine
of Strindberg’s radicalism and his relationship to the avant-garde in
area of his practice. According to the Oxford English Dictionary,
something or
someone “radical” is “characterized by independence of or departure
what is usual or traditional; progressive, unorthodox, or innovative
in outlook,
conception, design, etc.” Another meaning of the word, especially
when speaking
of change or action, is described as “going to the root or origin;
upon or a#ecting what is essential and fundamental; thorough,
!e term “avant-garde” can denote “the foremost part of an army; the
or van” or “the pioneers or innovators in any art in a particular
period.” Some
paper topics might include speci$c cases of:
• Strindberg’s transgressions of norms and traditions and his
of genres, forms, artistic and scienti$c methods
• radical experiments with narrative, dramatic, and visual techniques
new technologies
• the radicalism of Strindberg’s language in any genre or individual
• the impact of Strindberg’s radicalism on translations, adaptations,
theatrical and $lm productions of his works
• Strindberg’s relationship to the artistic avant-garde of his time
SASS News & Notes Volume 38 Number 2 [September 2011]
page 6
• Strindberg’s relationship to the political and artistic radicalism
of his
• the in%uence of Strindberg’s work, themes, and methods on
or subsequent avant-garde directions in art, literature, and
If accepted to this stream we will ask for participants to share
short position
papers of about $ve double-spaced pages in advance of the
!e session(s) at the conference will then be a workshop format
culminating in
a roundtable. It is our hope that the topic will encourage colleagues
from across
disciplines with various perspectives to participate in a sustained
and elicit new approaches to Strindberg scholarship beyond the
boundaries of
the conference. (Please note: any participant who would like to
present on a Strindberg-related topic but not as a part of this
stream is invited to submit their proposal to the general pool.)

Ilmoituksen lähetti: Agricola <agricola at utu.fi>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 16.12.2011
Lisätietoja WWW-osoitteesta: http://