[H-verkko] Helsinki, NordWel Symposium: Intervention and Deprivation: Long-Run Perspectives on Policy and Poverty

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
To toukokuu 5 19:23:33 EEST 2011

Agricolan tapahtumakalenteriin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:

NordWel Symposium: Intervention and Deprivation: Long-Run
Perspectives on Policy and Poverty
Helsinki 08.06.2011 klo 13:15 - 09.06.2011 klo 15:15

Hyvinvointivaltiotutkimuksen pohjoismainen huippuyksikkö The Nordic
Welfare State – Historical Foundations and Future Challenges
(NordWel) järjestää 8.-9.6. Helsingin yliopistolla (Päärakennus,
Auditorio XIII 8.6. klo 13.15-17.00 ja 9.6. klo 13.15-15.15)
kansainvälisen tieteellisen symposiumin otsikolla Intervention and
Deprivation: Long-Run Perspectives on Policy and Poverty.

Monitieteinen tapahtuma kokoaa yhteen 15 koti- ja ulkomaista tutkijaa
keskustelemaan köyhyyden ja hyvinvointipolitiikan historiasta.
Yleisölle avoimen tapahtuman aiheita ovat etnisyys ja köyhyys,
kaupunkien köyhyyspolitiikka, lapset, hyvinvointi ja kehitys, sekä
nälänhädät ja kansainvälinen avustustoiminta. Kvantitatiivisia ja
kvalitatiivisia lähestymistapoja kokoava symposium pyrkii rakentamaan
uusia yhteyksiä empiirisen köyhyystutkimuksen, hyvinvointipolitiikan
analyysin ja kehitystutkimuksen välille sekä luomaan uusia kontakteja
tutkijoiden kesken. 

The Nordic Centre of Excellence The Nordic Welfare State – Historical
Foundations and Future Challenges (NordWel) is organizing an
international symposium entitled Intervention and Deprivation:
Long-Run Perspectives on Policy and Poverty at the University of
Helsinki on June 8th-9th (Main Building, Auditorium XIII, 8.6. at
13.15-17.00 and 9.6. at 13.15-15.15). 

The multidisciplinary event assembles 15 domestic and international
researchers to discuss the history of poverty and welfare policy. The
themes of the open event include ethnicity and poverty, urban poverty
policies, children, welfare and development, and historical famines
and international assistance. The symposium brings together
qualitative and quantitative approaches in an effort to bridge
empirical research on poverty, the analysis of the politics of
welfare and poverty, and development research. Programme attached.


NordWel Symposium: Intervention and Deprivation: Long-Run
Perspectives on Policy and Poverty, Helsinki, June 8th-9th 2011

Venue: Auditorium XIII, University of Helsinki Main Building,
Unioninkatu 34. All are welcome.

Welcome, June 8th , 13.15-13.30

Session 1, June 8th, 13.30-15.00: Ethnicity and poverty: The eternal

Miika Tervonen (Finnish Literature Society / History of the Finnish
Roma -project): Ethnicity as marginality? Historical cases of Finnish
Roma and Swedish Resande

Eszter Varsa (Central European University): Child protection and the
solution of the “Gypsy-Question”: Intersections of gender and
“race”/ethnicity in the protection of abandoned/endangered children
in early state socialist Hungary

Discussant: Norma Montesino Parra (Lund University)

Session 2, June 8th, 15.30-17.00: Urban poverty in the laboratory of
local politics

Inger Lyngdrup Nørgård (University of Southern Denmark): The great
Copenhagen poor plan of 1799: Looking forward, looking backward or
looking outside?

Inge Mønster-Kjær (University of Southern Denmark): Intentions and
practice in Danish poor relief in 19th century: Local initiative in
poorhouse regulations compared to national legislation

Jarmo Peltola (University of Tampere): At the Sites, in the Cabinets,
in the Streets: Power and Unemployment Policy in Tampere during the
Great Depression, 1928-1938

Discussant: Panu Pulma (University of Helsinki)

Session 3, June 9th, 10.15-11.45: Children, welfare and development

Maiju Riihola (National Institute for Health and Welfare):  Raised by
Depression – historical-epidemiological study on the life course
health effects of the 1930's Depression

Sakari Saaritsa & Antti Kaihovaara (University of Helsinki):
Investment, equity, futures: Is there evidence of gender
discrimination in early 20th century Finnish households?

Helene Laurent (University of Helsinki): Children, war and welfare

Discussants: Juho Härkönen (Stockholm University), Pauli Kettunen
(University of Helsinki)

Session 4, June 9th, 13.15.-14.45: Famines, nations and assistance

Antti Häkkinen (University of Helsinki): ”The unfairness of death”:
Famine relief and mortality in Finland in the 1860s

Andrew Newby (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies):  'Any trifle
will be an infinite service': Britain and the provision of famine
relief in Ireland and Finland, c. 1845-1868

Discussant: Holger Weiss (Åbo Akademi University)

Closing, June 9th, 14.45-15.15

Further information on NordWel ( http://blogs.helsinki.fi/nord-wel/ )

Sakari Saaritsa <sakari.saaritsa at helsinki.fi> puh. (09) 191 24933 

Ilmoituksen lähetti:
 Sakari Saaritsa <sakari.saaritsa at helsinki.fi> 
5.5.2011 16:28

Tämä ilmoitus on luettavissa Agricola-verkossa osoitteessa