[H-verkko] CFP: Defining and experiencing foreignness in Nordic exhibitions

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Mon toukokuu 17 15:08:34 EEST 2010

Agricolan Artikkelipyyntötietokantaan
( http://agricola.utu.fi/nyt/pyynnot/ )
on tullut seuraava ilmoitus:

Defining and experiencing foreignness in Nordic exhibitions

CFP: Half-day session “Defining and experiencing foreignness in
Nordic exhibitions” in the 27th Congress of Nordic Historians,
Tromsø, Norway 11.–14.8.2011

In this session we will focus on Nordic experiences of foreignness as
presented in various exhibitions. Foreignness can be understood to be
a subcategory of “otherness”; it refers to something foreign, whether
having a real or imagined connection with abroad. It can include
connotations such as unfamiliar, exotic or strange, which may vary
from one situation to another. Foreignness can be something actively
produced, it can be strategically claimed or actively dissolved as a
significant element of identities.

Foreignness is manifested in a number of ways, among which
exhibitions were influential. Exhibitions, whether temporal or
permanent, such as museum displays, have been a crucial medium during
the formation of modern mass societies and globalization. These highly
popular and newsworthy events have been the nexus of commerce,
science, art, politics, education and entertainment. They opened new
vistas to the wider world exhibiting different cultures far and near,
raw materials and goods. In spite of the apparent short-livedness of a
single exhibition, they actually together form a chain of
representations and encounters.

Nordic countries remained outside the mainstream of imperialism, but
parallel practices and ideas were employed there as well. Their
apparent detachment from the mainstream of imperialism and
colonialism, however, transpires to be a complicated entanglement of
participation, (re)appropriation and agency. By focusing on Nordic
experiences of foreignness this session will contribute to a deeper
understanding of the historical development of multiculturalism.

Abstracts (max 300 words) must be submitted by e-mail to
folke at hum.ku.dk or leikoi at utu.fi by 3 June 2010.

Organizers of the session:
Dr. Anne Folke Henningsen (University of Copenhagen),
folke at hum.ku.dk
Dr. Lotten Gustafsson Reinius (University of Stockholm),
Lotten.Gustafsson at etnologi.su.se
Dr. Leila Koivunen (University of Turku), leikoi at utu.fi
Dr. Taina Syrjämaa (University of Turku), taisyr at utu.fi

Ilmoituksen lähetti: Taina Syrjämaa <taisyr at utu.fi>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 04.06.2010
Lisätietoja WWW-osoitteesta: http://