[H-verkko] Helsinki, Craig Brandist: Philology, Ideology and the Early Soviet Critique: Questioning the Nation and the 'Orient'?

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Pe Helmi 5 09:42:56 EET 2010

Agricolan tapahtumakalenteriin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:

Craig Brandist: Philology, Ideology and the Early Soviet Critique:
Questioning the Nation and the 'Orient'?
Helsinki 26.03.2010 klo 14:00

Craig Brandistin luento

Pe 26.3. klo 14 SKS:n tutkijaseminaari
Craig Brandist, professor of Cultural Theory and Intellectual History
at the University of Sheffield
luennoi aiheesta: 'Philology, Ideology and the Early Soviet Critique:
Questioning the Nation and the 'Orient'? SKS:n juhlasali, Hallituskatu
1, 2 krs.


SKS Ulla-Maija Peltonen <ulla-maija.peltonen at finlit.fi> puh. 0201

Ilmoitus lähetetty: 3.2.2010 10:30

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