[Gross] RFE: check = database, rereading configuration file

Ernest Wypierowski ew-lists at mailbox.com.pl
Fri May 16 15:27:56 EEST 2008

Good morning,

gross: Version 0.8.2

Maybe  I  misunderstanding the concept but if I am right the only way to
do the classic's greylisting is to  do  --disable-dnsbl  at   the   com-
pilation time.
If  there is a way that I can  achieve that in config file please give a

Why am I asking?

I would like to change a policy during the night and be able to greylist
all connections (beside dnswl).    For that reason I am missing a   con-
figuration flag to modify the check from dnsbl to e.g. database.

The  next  thing  is  that  I've  read  the changelog (1.0.0) and didn't
notice any sign of adopting e.g. HUP  signal  for  rereading  configura-
tion file? Is there such a  possibility?

To sum up, is there a chance for doing:

RFE1. changing the "check" flag in fly
RFE2. HUP signal for rereading the config file

Best regards,
Ernest Wypierowski
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