[Dino] Multilingualism and multiculturalism in Finno-Ugric lietratures

Johanna Domokos johanna.domokos at uni-bielefeld.de
Thu Sep 18 10:11:34 EEST 2014

CfP:Multilingualism and multiculturalism in Finno-Ugric literatures

Multilingualism and multiculturalism reflected in the present linguistic
and literary studies move the traditional -- de facto reductionist,
homogenising -- analytic perspective toward a more inclusive focus on
intra- and intercultural diversity, transversality and polyvocality.
They offer special lenses which to focus various debates also in Uralic
studies that try to come to terms a.o. with issues of shifting
languages, identities, agencies, of intercultural and interlingual
exchange, or processes of commodification and transculturation.

Multilingual and multicultural studies enables to explore the dynamics
and tensions of language, aesthetics and politics, between research,
arts and entertainment, of (re)production, reception and transformation
of culture. The present symposium aims to seek further avenues of
research into literary multilingualism and multiculturalism in general,
as well as in the Uralic literary field, focusing on questions such as:

- How and to what extent do linguistic research methods and theories of
code-switching, language contact, trans- and polylanguaging apply to
research on the phenomena of literary multilingualism?

- Are there characteristics common to or typical of the multilingualism
and multiculturalism in Uralic literatures?

- What kind of impact does multiculturality have on Uralic linguistic
and literary fields (interference, transference, code-switching,
nonce-borrowing etc.)?

- How does the construction of "linguistic landscapes" by (references
to) multilingualism relate to the multilingual realities in which many
Finno-Ugrians actually live?

- What techniques do Uralic authors use in order to highlight the
contrast between their language and culture and the neighbouring or
majority language and culture?

- How do Finno-Ugrian authors use multilingual phenomena and cultural
interference for constructing their "transethnicities"?

The symposium will consist of contributions of 10-15 speakers and a
general discussion open to all participants of the CIFU. It wishes to
continue the work of the symposium organised as part of the 11th
Congressus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum in Piliscsaba, Hungary,
which results were published in Laakso, J. --  Domokos. J. (eds):
Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Finno-Ugric Literatures, Fusa,
vol. 8. , 2012.

We invite abstracts (max. 500 words) to be submitted via the EasyChair
system by 30 September 2014. The link to the EasyChair system is at
http://www.oulu.fi/suomenkieli/fuxii/englanti/abstraktit . For further
information, please feel free to contact us.

Johanna Domokos (johanna.domokos [at] uni-bielefeld.at)
Johanna Laakso (johanna.laakso [at] univie.ac.at)

Univ.Prof. Dr. Johanna Laakso
Universität Wien, Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und
Literaturwissenschaft (EVSL)
Abteilung Finno-Ugristik
Campus AAKH Spitalgasse 2-4 Hof 7
A-1090 Wien
johanna.laakso at univie.ac.at <mailto:johanna.laakso at univie.ac.at> . 
Project ELDIA: http://www.eldia-project.org/

Johanna Domokos Dr. Habil
Universität Bielefeld

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