[Antiquitas] CSTT Lecture Series: 10 March, "Worshiping the Wise Lord: An Introduction to the Avesta in its Iranian context" - Jason Silverman
Dixon, Helen M
helen.dixon at helsinki.fi
To Maalis 3 00:52:03 EET 2016
Dear colleagues (with apologies for cross-posting),
You are cordially invited to the next installment of the CSTT<http://blogs.helsinki.fi/sacredtexts/about-cstt/> Lecture Series, to be held next Thursday, 10 March, from 16-18 in the Faculty Hall (Rm. 531) of Vuorikatu 3.
Jason Silverman, a postdoctoral researcher with the CSTT Center of Excellence in the Faculty of Theology, will present:
"Worshiping the Wise Lord: An Introduction to the Avesta in its Iranian context for Biblical Scholars"
The largest and most famous Zoroastrian religious source is the Avesta. This talk will introduce this collection's basic context, nature, and contents, as well as address some of the textual and historical issues involved in its use.
**As a special CSTT-sponsored treat, we are pleased to have arranged a light assortment of Iranian snacks, provided by a local Helsinki chef<http://www.helsinkitimes.fi/eat-and-drink/13765-raenginaek-a-taste-of-iran.html>, in addition to tea and coffee. We hope you'll join us for this tasty compliment to the already rich Persian texts we'll be discussing!**
The purpose of the new CSTT lecture series is to provide a forum for individual members and guests of the CSTT to communicate their research to one another, and to the larger community of ancient scholars at the University of Helsinki. We welcome all who are interested to attend!
Helen M. Dixon
Postdoctoral Researcher
Center of Excellence in "Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions"
Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki
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