[Antiquitas] Invitation to the CSTT Lecture: 11 February, "When Did the Pentateuch Become a Book?" - Drew Longacre

Dixon, Helen M helen.dixon at helsinki.fi
Ti Helmi 9 14:58:41 EET 2016

Dear colleagues -

You are cordially invited (with apologies for the late notice!) to the first session of the Center of Excellence in "Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions" (CSTT) Lecture Series, to be held this coming Thursday, 11 February, from 16-18 in the Faculty Room of the Faculty of Theology (Vuorikatu 3, Room 531).

Drew Longacre, a postdoctoral researcher with the CSTT, will present:

"When Did the Pentateuch Become a Book?"

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls has shed new light on the age-old question of when the five books of the Pentateuch first came to be copied together in large Torah scrolls. The fragmentary remains from the Judean Desert suggest that complete Torah scrolls were common already in the late Second Temple period, far earlier than is commonly assumed by book historians. This evidence establishes the terminus ante quem for the compilation of the Pentateuch into one physical "book".

The purpose of the new CSTT lecture series is to provide a forum for individual members and guests of the CSTT to communicate their research to one another, and to the larger community of scholars of the ancient world at the University of Helsinki.  We welcome all who are interested to attend!

Helen M. Dixon

Postdoctoral Researcher

Center of Excellence in "Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions"

Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki


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