[Antiquitas] Esitelmätilaisuus/lecture: Dr. Rick Bonnie, 15.4.2015

"Björklund, Heta K" heta.bjorklund at helsinki.fi
Ke Maalis 25 12:57:13 EET 2015

"Public and Private in the Roman House"-projekti järjestää 
esitelmätilaisuuden 15.4.2015 klo 18-20. Tohtori Rick Bonnie (Helsingin 
yliopisto) luennoi aiheesta "Ritual bathing in the private houses? 
Evidence of stepped pools in Galilee, c. 100 BC–AD 70″. Bonnie on 
post-doc-tutkija Helsingin yliopiston teologisen tiedekunnan 
huippuyksikössä "Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions". Tilaisuus 
pidetään klassillisen filologian seminaarihuoneessa Metsätalossa 
(Unioninkatu 40, A-siipi, 2. krs. Käynti 3. kerroksen kautta). Tervetuloa!

The "Public and Private in the Roman House" project will organize a 
lecture on April 15th, 2015. Dr. Rick Bonnie (University of Helsinki) 
will give a lecture on “Ritual bathing in the private houses? Evidence 
of stepped pools in Galilee, c. 100 BC–AD 70″. Dr. Bonnie is a 
post-doctoral researcher in the Centre of Excellence in “Changes in 
Sacred Texts and Traditions”, Department of Biblical Studies at the 
University of Helsinki. The lecture is held in the seminar room of 
Classical Philology (A215) in Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40, A-wing, 2nd 
floor. Entrance through the 3rd floor) on April the 15th, 2015, at 6.15 
pm. Welcome!

 From the wide distribution of stepped pools at sites across 
Israel/Palestine, it is usually argued that by the first century BC the 
Jewish population in general observed the practice of ritual bathing. 
This argument is, however, primarily supported by a weak 
contextualization of the archaeological evidence. As will be argued 
through a case study from the region of Galilee (northern Israel), the 
observance of ritual bathing was not evenly spread across the Jewish 
population. Moreover, by focusing on the context of these pools in 
Galilean private houses, this research aims to better understand the 
role and significance of these features within a Jewish household in 
particular and society in general.

Heta Björklund

PhD student
Greek language and literature
Faculty of Arts / University of Helsinki

Project secretary
Public and Private in the Roman House (romanhouse.org)
Reinventing the Foundations of European Legal Culture 1934-1964 (foundlaw.org)
Faculty of Social Sciences / University of Helsinki