[Antiquitas] IASR Lecture 20.1. Christian Laes: Disabilities in Roman Antiquity, Tampere
Katariina Mustakallio
katariina.mustakallio at uta.fi
Ke Tammi 14 09:28:15 EET 2015
>Subject: IASR Lecture 20.1. Christian Laes: Disabilities in Roman Antiquity,
>Subject: IASR Lecture 20.1. Christian Laes: Disabilities in Roman Antiquity
>University of Tampere
>Institute for Advanced Social Research (IASR) IASR Lectures 2014-2015, Spring
>Disabilities in Roman Antiquity
>Dr Christian Laes, Senior Research Fellow, IASR, YKY
>Time: Tuesday, 20 January 2015, at 16.15-17.45
>Place: University of Tampere, Pinni B, lecture hall B1096, Kanslerinrinne 1, 1st
>>This lecture will be based on my recent monograph Beperkt?
>>Gehandicapten in het Romeinse rijk (Leuven, 2014). After methodological
>>reflections on the issue of disability history for Roman Antiquity, I
>>will opt for an a capite ad calcem approach: mental disabilities, eye
>>problems, deafness and muteness, speech impairment and mobility
>>impairment will be touched upon by presenting case studies. For each
>>issue, the problem of "continuity and change" regarding Christianity
>>will be treated. Text fragments as well as iconographical evidence will
>>be the starting point of this lecture.
>>University of Tampere
>>Institute for Advanced Social Research (IASR)