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<p><span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Moikka! / Hello!</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">(In English below)</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Nyt on aika alkaa jo valmistautua tulevaan kyykkäkauteen. MM-Kyykkään onkin enää vain muutama kuukausi
aikaa. Akateemisen kyykän MM-kilpailu on yksi Suomen suurimmista poikkitieteellisistä opiskelijatapahtumista ja sitä et halua missata!</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Tervetuloa Hybridin yhteiseen bussikyytiin akateemisen kyykän MM-kisoihin. Kilpailu järjestetään
Hervannassa 10.2.2024 ja bussikyyditys lähtee sinne Turusta sinä aamuna klo 05. Takaisin Turkuun lähtee kaksi bussia, joista ensimmäinen lähtee Hervannasta noin klo 21 ja toinen Tampereen keskustasta klo 01.</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Tämä bussikyyti on tarkoitettu ensisijaisesti Deltan, Tykryn, Pulterien ja Synapsin jäsenille,
koska nämä järjestöt osoittivat kiinnostuksensa yhteiskyytiin. Kaikki Hybridin jäsenjärjestöjen jäsenet (siis sekä varsinaisten että kannatusjäsenten) ovat kuitenkin erittäin tervetulleita tähän bussikyyditykseen.</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Bussikyydin lopullinen hinta varmistuu vasta ilmoittautumisen sulkeuduttua, mutta se tulee olemaan
noin 25-30 euroa.</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Ilmoittautuminen on jo auki ja se sulkeutuu 9.1.2024 klo 14. Linkki ilmoittautumiseen: </span><a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCOQ5DQf6gNyZGAyVrOnUpWrla51lfRtrtxX2QzOL6_i9-Dg/viewform?usp=sf_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" style="font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;" id="LPlnk575963" previewremoved="true">https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCOQ5DQf6gNyZGAyVrOnUpWrla51lfRtrtxX2QzOL6_i9-Dg/viewform?usp=sf_link</a><span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;"></span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Huomioithan että valitsemasi bussikyyti on sitova. Varsinkin aikaisempi iltabussi on lähtökohtaisesti
aina täynnä, eli mahdollisuutta vaihtoon ei ole. Jos tulet bussilla vain toiseen suuntaan, ilmoitathan tämän tai muuta kyydityksen järjestäjälle tärkeää tietoa "lisätietoja" kohdassa.</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Tapahtuman haalarimerkit saa ostettua KideAppista lähempänä tapahtumaa ja itse tapahtumasta tarkempia
tietoja saa osoitteesta </span><a href="https://kyykka.fi/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" style="font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;" id="LPlnk937554" previewremoved="true">https://kyykka.fi/</a><span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">.</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Lisäkysymyksiä voi esittää joko sähköpostilla mkrkos@utu.fi tai tg:ssa @krisseek.</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">------</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">[In English]</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">It is time to get ready for the Kyykkä season and so the world championships of academic kyykkä
are back! This is one of the biggest student events in Finland and you don’t want to miss it!</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Hybridi is organizing a shared bus ride to this event on the 10th of February 2024. The bus to
the playing grounds in Tampere leaves at 05:00 on that day and there are two busses coming back later in the evening. The first one leaves at around 21:00 and the later one at about 01:00.</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Because Delta, Tykry, Pulterit and Synapsi showed their interest in this shared bus, their members
get priority if we have too many interested people. But all Hybridi’s organization’s members are more than welcomed to this shared bus.</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">You can sign up via this form: </span><a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCOQ5DQf6gNyZGAyVrOnUpWrla51lfRtrtxX2QzOL6_i9-Dg/viewform?usp=sf_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" style="font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;" id="LPlnk958267">https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCOQ5DQf6gNyZGAyVrOnUpWrla51lfRtrtxX2QzOL6_i9-Dg/viewform?usp=sf_link</a><span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;"></span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">The sign up closes 9.1.2024 at 14 o'clock and your choice of which bus you are coming back with
is binding. The first bus is often full so you can’t change your choice afterwards.</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">The bus ride will cost around 25-30€ depending on how many participants we get.</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">If you have any questions, they can be sent to me by email at mkrkos@utu.fi or telegram: @krisseek.
You can also send any additional info we may need via the sign up sheet.</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">The events patch can be bought via Kide.app closer to the event. Hybridi will only be responsible
for the bus journey. More info in the championships via this link </span><a href="https://kyykka.fi/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" style="font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">https://kyykka.fi/</a><span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">.</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">-----</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Kyykkäterveisin / With kyykkä wishes</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Kristiina Kössi</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Excuvastaava -23</span><br style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">
<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: wf_segoe-ui_normal, "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif, serif, EmojiFont; font-size: 13.3333px;">Hybridi Turku ry</span><br>
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<div style="font-size:16px"><span style="font-size:10pt; background-color:rgb(255,255,255)"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" style=""><span style="font-family:"Courier New",monospace">Viestin välitti / Message was forwarded by:</span></font></span></div>
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<div style="font-size:16px"><span style="font-size:10pt; background-color:rgb(255,255,255)"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><span style="font-family:"Courier New",monospace">Maisa Pikkarainen</span></b></font></span></div>
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<div style="font-size:16px"><span style="font-size:10pt; background-color:rgb(255,255,255)"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><span class="highlight" id="0.3731697024215854" name="searchHitInReadingPane" style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255); font-family:"Courier New",monospace">Tiedottaja</span><span style="font-family:"Courier New",monospace">
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<div style="font-size:16px"><span style="font-size:10pt; background-color:rgb(255,255,255)"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><span style="font-family:"Courier New",monospace">Turun Yliopiston Kemistit TYK ry</span></font></span></div>
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<div style="font-size:16px"><span style="font-size:10pt; background-color:rgb(255,255,255)"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" style=""><span style="font-family:"Courier New",monospace">tiedotus@tykry.fi</span></font></span></div>