KINFO: Mailing list and a Whatsapp group for Hybridi Turku ry's international students

TYK ry international international at
Ti Maalis 23 10:58:01 EET 2021


Are you studying at the faculty of science or the faculty of technology?  Would you like to get more involved with our student organisations?

We, the student organisations of these faculties, are trying to start up a mailing list and a Whatsapp group for informing our international students.

So, if you’re interested in our events or simply want to get to know more international students from the faculty of science and the faculty of technology, fill out this form below, so we can add you to our mailing list!

You can also choose to join our Whatsapp group (link available after submitting the form).

If Whatsapp is not your preferred way of receiving our messages, you can leave a comment in the ” Something else? ” section of the form.

Best regards,

International coordinators of Hybridi Turku ry (association for students of the faculty of sciences)


Anni Saarinen

Responsible for International Affairs of TYK ry

international at

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