[H-verkko] Artikkelipyyntö: Ideas, Words, Thoughts and their History

Agricola - Suomen humanistiverkko no-reply at agricolaverkko.fi
To Loka 22 20:36:52 EET 2018

Agricolan ilmoituksiin on lähetetty uusi artikkelipyyntö: 
Ideas, Words, Thoughts and their History
Call for papers for “Ideas, Words, Thoughts and their History – 5th Collegio Ghislieri Graduate Conference” organized by: Giulia Delogu (Ca’ Foscari University), Antonio Gurrado (University of Pavia), Alessandro Maranesi (University of Pavia), Daniele Amodio (Collegio Ghislieri), Elena Serina (Collegio Ghislieri), Ludovica Taurisano (Collegio Ghislieri)

Pavia, March 1-2, 2019

The Collegio Ghislieri Graduate Conference is a multidisciplinary conference aiming to put together graduate students, PhD candidates and early career scholars from different background. It encompasses the historical analysis of ideas in a broaden chronological dimension.
To facilitate the scholarly dialogue and exchange each year a core theme is selected. This edition will explore the theme of Political Communication from the antiquity to the contemporary age in a multidisciplinary perspective. Proposals in the fields of history, philosophy, literature, linguistics, art, political science and law are welcomed.
Proposals may address the following subjects:

– Reconsideration of concepts (e.g. public, public opinion, ‘political’)
– Communication and representation/misrepresentation of power
– Strategies of communication: creation, manipulation and confutation
– Networks of communication: circulation, spreading and movement
– Media of communication: visual, written and oral sources

Deadline is December 7th, 2018 (12.00 pm)

Please send the following to graduate.conference at ghislieri.it in .doc(x), .rtf, or .pdf format:
(1.) A cover letter containing the following information: (a) author’s name (b) institutional affiliation (c) contact information, (d) title of the paper.
(2.) The title and abstract (around 500 words) of the paper. This should be prepared for blind refereeing i.e. showing no information identifying the author or the author’s institutional affiliation.
Pending peer review, the papers will be taken into account for publication.

Graduate students (Master, PhD students and those who have defended their doctoral thesis not earlier than 2015) can submit proposals for papers of approximately 20 minutes. Participants will be offered accommodation and meals in the college (Collegio Ghislieri, Piazza Ghislieri 5, Pavia). Unfortunately, we will not be able to cover travel expenses. Successful applicants will be notified by December 21st.

Keynote speakers: Silvio Pons (Scuola Normale Superiore) and Donatella Campus (University of Bologna).
graduate.conference at ghislieri.it 
graduate.conference at ghislieri.it

Ilmoitus vanhenee: 7.12.2018 klo 12:00

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