[Dino] Two new publications

Heidi Grönstrand heidi.gronstrand at finska.su.se
Wed Dec 18 14:32:37 EET 2019

Dear All,
I am pleased to inform you about two new books:

1.      1. Contemporary Nordic Literature and Spatiality (Palgrave Macmillan 2019) edited by Kristina Malmio and Kaisa Kurikka. The book is also available as Open Access:


This open access collection offers a detailed mapping of recent Nordic literature and its different genres (fiction, poetry, and children’s literature) through the perspective of spatiality. Concentrating on contemporary Nordic literature, the book presents a distinctive view on the spatial turn and widens the understanding of Nordic literature outside of canonized authors. Examining literatures by Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish authors, the chapters investigate a recurrent theme of social criticism and analyze this criticism against the welfare state and power hierarchies in spatial terms. The chapters explore various narrative worlds and spaces—from the urban to parks and forests, from textual spaces to spatial thematics, studying these spatial features in relation to the problems of late modernity.

2.      2. The Aesthetics and Politics of Linguistic Borders:Multilingualism in Northern European Literature

edited by Heidi Grönstrand, Markus Huss and Ralf Kauranen has been recently published by Routledge.

The Aesthetics and Politics of Linguistic Borders: Multilingualism in Northern European Literature - CRC Press Book<https://www.crcpress.com/The-Aesthetics-and-Politics-of-Linguistic-Borders-Multilingualism-in-Northern/Gronstrand-Huss-Kauranen/p/book/9780367203153>
The Aesthetics and Politics of Linguistic Borders: Multilingualism in Northern European Literature - CRC Press Book

Best wishes


Heidi Grönstrand
Senior Lecturer
Department of Slavic and Baltic languages, Finnish, Dutch and German
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
E-mail: heidi.gronstrand at finska.su.se<mailto:heidi.gronstrand at finska.su.se>

How personal data is handled at Stockholm University<https://www.su.se/english/about-this-website/privacy-policy>

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