[Dino] Seminar on ACLA' conference 2017 in Utrecht NL

Broomans, P. p.broomans at rug.nl
Mon Sep 12 04:49:37 EEST 2016


Organizer: Petra Broomans

Co-Organizer: Jeanette Den Toonder
Contact the Seminar Organizers <p.broomans at rug.nl, j.m.l.den.toonder at rug.nl>

Intensified migration flows and the rich variety of minority and migrant
communities that have always played a constitutive role in European
history, society and identity are the starting point of this seminar. Its
aim is to reconsider the history and role of these communities by examining
processes of cultural transfer in which minority and migrant authors play
an essential role as cultural transmitters. They contribute to building
minoritarian identities by remembering conflicts and overcoming traumas.
The examination of historical differences and cultural memory in relation
to the construction of new identities is essential for the analysis of
experiences of the past displayed by minority and migrant writers as well
as for the identitarian discourses of indigenous European populations.

                Given the large variety of minority and migrant
communities, it will be interesting to discuss and compare different
literary fields in Europe, such as writings from exiles (, North-African
authors in France), from indigenous communities (Sámi in Scandinavia), or
from minorities originating from inside Europe (the Danish and German
speaking communities in North- and South-Schleswig and migrants from
Southern to Northern Europe). These are some examples of writings in which
remembrance of conflicts, caused by shifting borders, migration and
(neo)colonization, are being exposed and transferred in fictional and
semi-fictional literature.

A deeper insight into the functions of these texts can be gained through
discourse analysis as well as institutional analysis. Discourse analysis
focuses on an implicit and explicit evaluation and characterization of the
transmitted literature, how minorities are represented in literary texts of
minority writers and of writers from dominant groups, as well as statements
in literature about language and national and cultural identity.
Institutional analysis focuses on quantitative and qualitative descriptions
of cultural transmission, mapping which authors, languages, genres, etc.
have been introduced into the field, the amount of translations, how texts
‘move’ and what role mediators play in cultural transmission and the
networks they use.

>From a methodological perspective, the seminar proposes to integrate
cultural transfer studies into postcolonial theories, transcultural
studies, (ethno-linguistic) nationalism and theories in the field of
collective/cultural memory, trauma theory and translation studies, in order
to enhance the encounter of different approaches and methods.


Do you want to ptopose a paper?

See for information: http://www.acla.org/node/add/paper

Dr. Petra Broomans, Associate Professor/Senior lecturer
*31th IASS conference 9-13 August 2016*; see:

European Languages and Cultures / University of Groningen
Visiting professor Scandinavian Studies / Ghent University

Phone: + 31 (0) 50 3637275/5850
M: + 31 (0)6 53616699
Fax: + 31 (0) 50 3634900

Personal website: www.petrabroomans.netStudies on Cultural Transfer
and Transmission, see: http://www.soctat.org/
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