[Dino] [PMX:#### 83%] Win $20 and lose ONLY $2 with Binary Options

David M. David at profitwithus.com
Wed Oct 8 17:50:57 EEST 2014

My friend Dave has just released the ONE piece of software that makes truck loads of cash from Binary Options trading! You´ve never seen anything like this before!   
[Click here to see](http://cy.rioges.net/9214/2014/2694/08/?info=eyJhIjogMSwgInUiOiAieW9zc2kuYmVuIiwgImUiOiAiZGlub0BsaXN0cy51dHUuZmkiLCAidCI6ICJ5b3NzaV8xMjIuYmVuX18yMDE0MTAwODEzMzY0NCIsICJ2IjogImN5LnJpb2dlcy5uZXQifQ==&url=http://iosefito22.ibprofits.cpa.clicksure.com/)  
Basically, this guy has found a way to manipulate the market with a system that wins $20 when you win…and loses only $2 when you lose!   
Let that sink in for a moment…feel the gravity of what that means. This is now THE most lucrative money making system on the planet!   
If you look at the profits these guys have been raking in, you´ll be absolutely shocked!They´re making thousands every day!   
Even if you only won HALF of the time you´d STILL see your account ballooning with profits!   
[Get the details here](http://cy.rioges.net/3210/2014/4294/08/?info=eyJhIjogMSwgInUiOiAieW9zc2kuYmVuIiwgImUiOiAiZGlub0BsaXN0cy51dHUuZmkiLCAidCI6ICJ5b3NzaV8xMjIuYmVuX18yMDE0MTAwODEzMzY0NCIsICJ2IjogImN5LnJpb2dlcy5uZXQifQ==&url=http://iosefito22.ibprofits.cpa.clicksure.com/)  
Think about what normally happens with Binary Options. You wager $10 - if you win you make $7.50 - if you lose you say goodbye to $10.   
Now if you wagered 10 times and won only half the time you´d be running with a loss! You´d have LOST $50 and only won only $37.50   
You LOST $12.50!   
With Dave´s system, Insured Profits, let´s say you wagered $20 and you did it 10 times…if you won half the time you´d have won $100 and only lost $10!   
A profit of $90!   
You can´t lose with this system! This is the best thing EVER!   
[Click to get the system](http://cy.rioges.net/7907/2014/3289/08/?info=eyJhIjogMSwgInUiOiAieW9zc2kuYmVuIiwgImUiOiAiZGlub0BsaXN0cy51dHUuZmkiLCAidCI6ICJ5b3NzaV8xMjIuYmVuX18yMDE0MTAwODEzMzY0NCIsICJ2IjogImN5LnJpb2dlcy5uZXQifQ==&url=http://iosefito22.ibprofits.cpa.clicksure.com/)  
The strangest thing about "Dave" is that he´s on some kind of weird hippy altruistic trip and he´s just giving the software away.   
Okay, he´s not totally crazy…he´s only letting 100 people take his software. ONLY 100!   
These copies are going to go fast…get yours now!   
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