Kaisa Ilmonen kailmo at utu.fi
Wed May 22 15:23:29 EEST 2013

Spend your sabbatical or research leave in Turku, Finland, in an inspiring academic atmosphere.


The International Institute for Popular Culture (IIPC) is a multi-disciplinary research unit concerned with promoting cutting-edge research on contemporary popular culture. We aim not only to chart and explain emerging cultural forms but also to investigate the history and transformations of popular culture. The Institute is committed to pursuing academic excellence, and to promoting ambitious, high-quality research while facilitating international scholarly exchange and collaborative publications.

The IIPC Visiting Fellow will receive travel costs to and from Turku, Finland, accommodation during the stay, and office space to work in. We will not pay your salary or other living expenses. We are looking for outstanding scholars with a research interest in popular culture to stay with us for 2-4 months. We require the fellow to give an IIPC Debate lecture (see http://iipcblog.wordpress.com/iipc-debates/) at the beginning and the end of the stay, and to run a weekly IIPC Research Seminar. The first possibility to arrive is in the autumn 2013. The minimum requirement for visiting fellows is a PhD degree in a germane area of research on popular culture.

Deadline: August 15, 2013, we advise those planning to join us in Autumn 2013 to contact us as soon as possible.


IIPC Director, Professor John Richardson: john.richardson(at)utu.fi, tel. +358 2 333 5462

IIPC Coordinator Kimi Kärki: kimi.karki(at)utu.fi, tel. +358 2 333 5890

The postal address of the institute is:

IIPC, Department of Cultural History
University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku

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