[Dino] Fwd: CFP: "Dislocating Literature", Symposium at Södertörn on Directions of Comparative Literature in the Baltic Sea region

paqvalen at mappi.helsinki.fi paqvalen at mappi.helsinki.fi
Tue Nov 2 14:59:46 EET 2010

----- Vidarebefordrat meddelande

Symposium at Södertörn University, Centre for Baltic and East   
European Studies (CBEES), May 2011

Dislocating Literature

Transnational Literature and the Directions of Literary Studies in the  
  Baltic Sea Region

We are gathering international scholars to discuss literature that deals with
geographical as well as conceptual border crossings within the Baltic   
Sea Region. As the choice of subject already suggests, intersections   
between literature and history will make up a key aspect of the   
symposium. In the international debate over the last decades, scholars  
  of postcolonial literature have most often examined the issue of   
comparison in relation to history and context. How does literary   
criticism in the Baltic Sea Region relate to these debates?   
Transnational and transregional literary studies are bound to   
challenge the idea of cultures, languages and philologies as closed   
How does this affect the whole concept of comparative literature? What  
  happens when we focus on the aspect of trauma and dislocation in the  
  literature of the Baltic Sea region?

Participants are invited to either present their research on specific   
literary works that deal with multilinguality, migration and cultural   
as well as personal dislocation, or to contribute to the theoretical   
debate on how literary relations in the region can be rethought.   
Crossing the boundaries between countries, cultures and languages in   
this region inevitably involves crossing the tracks of vikings and   
tradesmen, smugglers and duty free ships, politicians and armies,   
nomads and crusaders, working-class activists and aristocrats,   
fascists and communists, esperantists and feminists, refugees and
economic migrants, scholars and artists, diplomats and spies. Any   
literary protagonist, author, motif or stylistic device that can be   
argued to reflect such modes of movement is of potential relevance for  
  the discussion. We also welcome destabilizing approaches to literary  
  texts that have so far been seen in a national or regional context.

An abstract (max. 300 words) and a short cv should be sent to
dislocatingliterature at sh.se no later than December 1st 2010.

Symposium language: English

Preliminary date: The symposium will take place at Södertörn   
University in Huddinge, Sweden in May, week 20, 2011, during one full   

Accomodation for one night and traveling expenses within Europe will   
be funded. For further inquires please turn to   
dislocatingliterature at sh.se or to one of the organizers.


Markus Huss, Södertörns högskola/Stockholms universitet, markus.huss at sh.se
Kaisa Kaakinen, Cornell University, krk27 at cornell.edu
Jenny Willner, Freie Universität Berlin, willner at zedat.fu-berlin.de

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